杜鹃花 栀子花 莲花 茶花 牡丹 生石花 桂花 梅花 海棠 紫荆 玫瑰花 连翘 紫藤 虎皮兰 腊梅 春鹃杜鹃花 虎刺梅 金银花 茉莉花 木芙蓉 免牙红 银芽柳 山茶花 红豆杉 樱花 啤酒花 碰碰香 白兰花 映山红 山茶 黄杨 玉兰花 木槿花 贴梗海 月季花 麒麟 竹芋 石榴花 丁香 榆叶梅 芙蓉花 雀梅 凌霄花 龙船花 藤本月季 西府海棠 含笑花 香雪兰 西洋 四季桂 夹竹桃 桃花 木棉 风信子 香堇 慈菇花 蔷薇 菊花 芍药 荷花 睡莲 康乃馨 满天星 金鱼草 紫罗兰 长春菊 常春藤 紫薇 香豌豆 水仙 夏兰 石蒜 非洲菊 福禄考 向日葵 晚香玉 洋桔梗 千日红 建兰 春兰 报岁兰 沙漠玫瑰 大岩桐 九里香 红梅 小草兰 瓜叶菊 墨兰 蒲包花 免子花 扶桑花 山地玫瑰 入腊红 三色堇 百日草 长春花 一串红 六月雪 孔雀草 秋海棠 大波斯菊 金盏菊 非洲凤仙花 雏菊 射干 非洲紫罗兰 天堂鸟 炮竹红 大丽 佛手 石竹 凤仙 蕙兰 麦冬 白掌 三角梅 黄花 红掌 星辰花 迷迭香 鸡冠花 薰衣草花 灯笼花 广玉兰 紫茉莉 虞美人花 凤梨花 龙舌兰 锦带花 双色茉莉 风铃草 蒲公英 春花 曼陀罗 炮仗花 文殊兰 七里香 莺尾花 葱兰 万寿菊 铃兰翠菊 彼岸花 钟花 绣线菊 兰花 长寿花 马蔺 蝴蝶兰 仙人掌 君子兰 吊兰 芦荟 蟹爪兰 百喜草 球兰 昙花 天竺葵 铁线莲 牵牛花 绣球花 天门冬 四季海棠 大丽花 姜花 含羞草 羽衣甘蓝 波斯菊 何氏凤仙 令箭荷花 白三叶 一品红 美女樱 朱顶红 金边瑞香 金鱼吊兰 常夏石竹 鲁冰花 香蓟 仙人球 碗莲 熏衣草 石斛兰 银叶菊 锦葵 旱金莲 醉蝶花 紫芳草 补血草 凤仙花 美兰菊 夜来香 叶下珠 二月兰 龙面花 八仙花 黑心菊 紫萼 诸葛菜 盆栽月季 石莲花 蓝石莲 玉簪花 珍珠吊兰 吉娃莲 马蹄莲 美人蕉 情人草 勿忘草 火鹤花 桔梗花 白鹤芋 八角金盘 大花蕙兰 唐菖蒲 鹤望兰 太阳花 白牡丹 蝴蝶兰花 雪花 罗汉松 富贵竹 变叶木 龟背竹 绿萝 发财树 金心吊兰 棕竹 万年青 针葵 一叶兰 文竹 鹅掌柴 孔雀竹芋 巴西铁 南洋杉 鱼尾葵 春羽 人参榕 花叶 艳山姜 鹿角蕨 朱蕉 昆士兰伞木 苏铁 鸭脚木 酒瓶椰子 虎尾兰 凤梨 韭兰 黄金葛 黑法师 裂叶喜林芋 吊竹梅 滴水观音 橡皮树 散尾葵 花卉问答


119 2023-12-09 07:22 admin












  • 土壤选择:翠菊喜欢生长在排水良好、富含有机质的土壤中。在种植前,确保土壤中没有大块的杂质,以免影响翠菊的生长。
  • 阳光照射:翠菊需要充足的阳光照射才能保持健康的生长。选择一个充满阳光的种植位置,确保每天至少有6小时以上的阳光照射。
  • 适宜温度:翠菊适应能力强,能够在10-30摄氏度的温度范围内生长。然而,最适宜的生长温度为15-25摄氏度。
  • 适度浇水:翠菊不耐干旱,但也不喜欢积水。保持土壤湿润,但避免过度浇水,以免造成根部腐烂。
  • 及时除草:在翠菊生长期间,记得及时除草。杂草的生长会竞争水分和养分,对翠菊的生长造成不利影响。
  • 施肥:翠菊喜欢有机肥料,可以在种植前添加适量的腐熟堆肥或有机肥料。在生长期间,隔一段时间进行追肥,帮助翠菊保持良好的生长状态。


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How to germinate Convolvulus seeds

Methods for Germinating Convolvulus Seeds

Convolvulus, native to Europe, is not only an ornamental plant but also widely used for medicinal purposes. If you are interested in Convolvulus cultivation and want to experience the joy of growing it yourself, germination is the first step. Here are several commonly used methods to germinate Convolvulus seeds.

Method 1: Cold Stratification

Cold stratification is a simple and effective method for germinating Convolvulus seeds. Firstly, you need to prepare a pot of clean water and soak the Convolvulus seeds for several hours to ensure they are thoroughly hydrated. Then spread the moist Convolvulus seeds evenly on a fine layer of soil and gently press them down. Place the pot outdoors and wait for the temperature to naturally drop to 10-15 degrees Celsius. The Convolvulus seeds will start germinating.

Method 2: Cold Treatment

Cold treatment is a special method for germinating Convolvulus seeds. Firstly, place the Convolvulus seeds in a sealed bag. Then put the bag in the freezer and freeze it for 24 hours. After that, take the bag out and quickly place it at room temperature. Repeat these steps 2-3 times, allowing the temperature to rise and fall. This method simulates the natural process of freezing and thawing, stimulating Convolvulus seed germination.

Method 3: Temperature Treatment

Temperature treatment stimulates Convolvulus seed germination by controlling the temperature. First, soak the Convolvulus seeds in warm water for several hours. Then put the moist Convolvulus seeds in a sealed bag and place it in an environment with a temperature of 20-25 degrees Celsius. Keep the seeds at this temperature for 7-10 days, and the Convolvulus seeds will germinate successfully.

Considerations for Convolvulus Cultivation

After successfully germinating Convolvulus seeds, the next step is planting and caring for them. Here are some considerations for cultivating Convolvulus:

  • Soil Selection: Convolvulus prefers well-draining soil rich in organic matter. Before planting, ensure that the soil is free from large debris to avoid affecting the growth of Convolvulus.
  • Sunlight Exposure: Convolvulus requires ample sunlight for healthy growth. Choose a planting location that receives at least 6 hours of sunlight per day.
  • Optimal Temperature: Convolvulus is adaptable and can grow within a temperature range of 10-30 degrees Celsius. However, the ideal growth temperature is 15-25 degrees Celsius.
  • Moderate Watering: Convolvulus is not drought-tolerant but dislikes waterlogging. Keep the soil moist but avoid overwatering to prevent root rot.
  • Weed Control: Remember to control weeds promptly during the growth period of Convolvulus. Weed growth competes for water and nutrients, which can negatively impact the growth of Convolvulus.
  • Fertilization: Convolvulus prefers organic fertilizers. Before planting, add a suitable amount of well-rotted compost or organic fertilizer. During the growth period, apply additional fertilizer at regular intervals to help Convolvulus maintain healthy growth.

In conclusion, germination is the crucial first step in Convolvulus cultivation. By choosing appropriate germination methods and combining them with correct planting and care techniques, it's believed that you can successfully grow healthy and beautiful Convolvulus plants. Wishing you a pleasant and abundant harvest!